Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lifesong for Orphans - Made To Love Matching Grant

We just received news from Lifesong for Orphans that we were approved for a $500 matching grant. The grant is issued through our churches orphan ministry called Made to Love.

This is amazing news as our agency fees will be due in just a few short weeks.  While $500 is just a little way towards the money that we need, all funds that come in excess of the $500 matching grant will still be able to be used for our adoption.  Some grants will cap us at the term of the grant.

So Lifesong for Orphans is making it possible for supporters to make a tax deductible donation to our adoption where 100% of the donation benefits our adoption directly.

We are so grateful that the Lord continues to open doors for us to be able to finish this adoption.  If we have any friends reading this considering adoption but scared of the financial portion of this, I want to tell you one thing I have learned over and over again.  The Lord may not show up early, but when you are in His will He always shows up.

If you would like to donate towards this matching grant here are the details Lifesong gave us:

  • Checks should be payable to “Lifesong for Orphans. In the memo, note “family name” and “family account number” (Vandermeer/#5064) to assure it goes to the correct account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744. Lifesong has been blessed with a partner that underwrites all U.S. administrative and fundraising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners). That means 100% of your donation will go directly to the adoption.
  • To pay online go to Select “Give to an Adoptive Family.” Complete the online form and fill in “Family Account Number” and “Family Name” fields. Note PayPal charges an administrative fee (2.9% + $.30 USD per transaction). Your donation will be decreased by the amount of this fee.